The first meeting of the JSPS Research Center Formation Project was held.
JSPS Research Center Formation Project
The first meeting of the JSPS Research Center Formation Project entitled "Establishment of a Center for Training Young Resource Information Researchers for Sustainable Resource Development in Central Asian Countries with Economies in Transition", which was adopted in FY2021, was held online on May 18.
In the meeting the coordinators from the Mongolian University of Science and Technology (Mongolia), Nazarbayev University (Kazakhstan), Navoi Mining University (Uzbekistan), Tajikistan Academy of Sciences (Tajikistan), Asanaliev University of Geology, Mining and Natural Resources Development (Kyrgyzstan), as well as faculty members of Akita University attended. Dr. Shibayama, as director of the International Center for Research and Education on mineral and energy Resources (ICREMER), explained about Akita University, the ICREMER, and the details of the project. Furthermore, the significance, objectives, and schedule of the project was shared between the involved parties.