

Akita University Graduate School of International Resource Sciences
University Fellowship Founding Project
Cultivation of Advanced Resource Sciences-related Doctoral Students with the Integration of the Humanities and Sciences to Contribute to Achieving SDGs


Mr. Azizbek Buronov Boliqulovich received the "Excellent Award" at the " International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2023",held at the Kyushu University.

On November 30th – December 1st, " The International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2023" was held at the Kyushu University , and Mr. Azizbek Buronov Boliqulovich participated in the poster session.
We are pleased to inform you that he received the "Excellence Award".
Congratulations !
We appreciate his efforts and look forward to seeing valuable contributions from Akita University Fellowship students in the future.

With his supervisor, Prof.Atsushi Shibayama