

Akita University Graduate School of International Resource Sciences
University Fellowship Founding Project
Cultivation of Advanced Resource Sciences-related Doctoral Students with the Integration of the Humanities and Sciences to Contribute to Achieving SDGs


Mr. Ragheed Alali received "Excellent Presentation Award" at the "Forum for Graduate School Educational Reform 2023".

On December 1st and 2nd, Mr. Ragheed Alali participated in the poster session of the " Forum for Graduate School Educational Reform 2023" hosted by Tsukuba University .
Sixty-nine students from 32 programs and 69 students from the Graduate Program of Excellence, Doctoral Leading Programs, and other programs from across Japan gathered at the forum.
During the poster session, a panel of judges reviewed the presentations and awarded prizes to presenters who gave outstanding presentations.
As a result, Mr. Ragheed Alali received the "Eecellent Presentation Award".
We look forward to further success of Akita University Fellowship students.