Opening Greeting from Program Coordinator, Prof. Adachi

Lunch Meeting

Visiting Nippon Steel, Kyushu Works Oita Area
On November 28th, 2024 – International joint workshop was held in Kyushu University, co-hosted by CINEST, Kyushu University and the Research Institute of Global Resources, Akita University.
Four researchers from the Smart Mining Program, representing Southern African collaborating universities such as University of Botswana, Botswana International University of Science and Technology, University of Zambia, and Tete Polytechnic Institute (Mozambique) visited Japan and presented their research related with resource sciences.
Program committee members from the Southern African Universities, Akita University, Hokkaido University, and Kyushu University attended the lunch meeting of the Smart Mining Program. The chairperson, Prof. Tsuyoshi Adachi reported the program's activities for the current year and discussed plans for the following year with the committee members.
On November 27th, a fieldtrip was conducted to inspect resources and steel facilities in Kyushu. They visited Nippon Steel Corporation, Kyushu Works Oita Area, where they toured the steelmaking facilities in their vast grounds and learned about the steelmaking process.