


“Central Asia SATREPS Joint Public Webinar” will be held


ITAG-SATREPS (Project Leader: Professor Fumiaki Inagaki, Graduate School of International Resource Sciences, Akita University) will hold a “Central Asia SATREPS Joint Open Webinar” as follows.

Central Asia is attracting attention as a resource supply region for realizing a decarbonized society.
In Central Asia, five projects are being carried out under the JST/JICA Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS), one of Japan's science and technology diplomacy programs.
We will discuss the current state and future vision of relations between Central Asia and Japan through three resource and energy-related SATREPS projects being implemented in Tajikistan by Akita University, Uzbekistan by Kyushu University, and Kazakhstan by Hokkaido University, with reports from local researchers.

March 25, 2025 @9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (GMT+5)

Please refer to the attached file.
There will be a deadline for the application.

Registration Deadline:
March 7, 2025 @9:00 a.m. (GMT+5),
After registration, you will receive the link to the Webinar.