Q1.I made a mistake when filling in my application documents. How should I correct this?
A1.Please draw double lines through the section where you made a mistake and write the correct information in the blank.
Q2.I have already graduated. Can you issue me with a transcript of my school record?
A2.High schools etc. retain records relating to school registers for a certain period of time, so please consult with the high school from which you graduated.
Q3.I have paid the examination fee for the first term and second term entrance examinations, but I have forgotten which of these the receipt of payment (to be attached to applications) I have received is for (for first term or second term).
A3.We can confirm this for you, so please contact Akita University Admission Division (TEL: 018-889-2256).
Q4.The transcript of my school report is made out under my former name.
A4.Please submit the transcript of your school report under you former name with an attached declaration stating that your former name has changed to your current name (format optional).
Q5.Regarding the Faculty of Education and Human Studies Department of Regional Studies and Humanities (Recommendation I) ‘Local Contribution Framework’
I live in an area where there are very few organizations that high school students are able to join, but have been continuously carrying out volunteer activities on an individual basis. Can I receive and submit proof of this from the facility etc. where I have been conducting these activities?
A5.While in principle candidates must belong to a local organization, in this instance the university would take into account such special circumstances and recognize these activities as being within the framework of local contribution if you have proof that you are conducting activities at a reputable organization. Please indicate your circumstances on the ‘Description of Content of Local Contribution Activities’ document, which is to be submitted when making your application.
Q6.Regarding the Faculty of Education and Human Studies Department of Regional Studies and Humanities (Recommendation I) ‘Local Contribution Framework’
Do high school volunteer-type club activities meet the criteria for recommendation?
A6.Club activities which are deemed to have sufficient connections with the local area are considered to correspond to local organizations and thus meet the criteria. Also, students are requested to continue with these same activities following admission to the university. Please describe and explain specifically on the ‘Description of Content of Local Contribution Activities’ document how these club activities are connected with your local community and how you intend to continue them at university.
Q7.Regarding the Faculty of Education and Human Studies Department of Regional Studies and Humanities (Recommendation I) ‘Local Contribution Framework’
I am a member of a local festival organizing committee – does participation in festivals alone meet the requirements for recommendation? Also, is it possible to make an application if I am not only involved in festivals but other activities, such as making condolence calls at residential care homes?
A7. Both of these meet the criteria for local contributions.
Q1.What are General Science A and General Science B?
A1.General Science A consists of physics and chemistry, and General Science B consists of biology and earth sciences.
Q2.Could you tell me what happens with my points if I have taken a foreign language other than English in the National Center Test for University Admissions and was exempted from the listening component?
A2.For those who have taken a foreign language other than English in the National Center Test for University Admissions and were exempted from the listening component, we use their score in the written examination (full marks = 200 points) as an unadjusted score.
Q3.Is there anything in the Recommendation-based Entrance Examination II for the Faculty of Medicine School of Medicine that those who have already graduated can take?
A3.Those who have already graduated can take the ‘Local Framework.’ They cannot take the ‘Standard Framework.’
Q4.In the Local Framework of the Recommendation-based Entrance Examination II for the Faculty of Medicine School of Medicine, it states “Those who have worked in the field of medical treatment at a public medical facility within Akita Prefecture for a certain period of time following graduation,” but how long is meant by this ‘certain period of time following graduation?’
A4.It is a period 1.5 times longer than the loan period for study funds. Please see the Akita Doctor and Medical Information Website for more details.
Q5. What is meant by ‘Level B or above’ in the case of “the overall grade for learning performance in school records is Level B or above?”
A5. This means that the Grade Point Average for learning performance is 3.5 or above.
Q6. I have already graduated and am considering applying for an AO Entrance Examination. In the oral examination for mathematics (questions) and oral examination for science during the AO Entrance Examination interview, are questions set from the new or old curriculum guidelines?
A6. In order to take into consideration both those who took subjects under the new curriculum and those who took subjects under the old curriculum, questions are set from the common elements of both new and old curriculums. The scope for questions is the same as mathematics and science in the individual academic achievement test in the first term examinations, so please refer to the Student Selection Guidelines for more details.
Q1. I am not able to prepare the necessary documents for the examination fee exemption by the deadline.
A1. If circumstances mean that you are unable to submit the application documents by the deadline, please contact the Admission Division in advance and submit your application after having paid the examination fee.
Q2. Please tell me how to request a university prospectus and application guidelines.
A2.Akita University’s website contains details of how to request these (/honbu/exam/ex_request.html). You can also use services like Mobacho and Telemail.
Q3.Please tell me about the kinds of score achieved by successful entrance examination candidates. A3.Akita University’s website contains a variety of data on entrance examinations (/honbu/exam/ex_block.html).
Q4.Please tell me how to request examination results for candidates.
A4.The methods for requesting examination results for candidates are as described in the Application Guidelines.
Q5.Please tell me about examination fee waivers/deferrals, tuition fee waivers and about student dormitories.
A5.Details of these are contained in the Application Guidelines. Alternatively, they can also be found in the Student Life/Employment section of Akita University’s website (/honbu/life/).
Q6.Is it possible to acquire a teaching license on the Faculty of Education and Human Studies Department of Regional Studies and Humanities?
A6. Students can acquire a Category 1 Junior High School Teacher’s License (Social Studies) or a Category 1 High School Teacher’s License (Geography and History/Civil Studies). However, as the Department of Regional Studies and Humanities curriculum was not intended for acquiring a teaching license, it requires a great deal of effort on the part of the student to acquire a license within the given four years.