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  3. Guide to Student Life


Guide to Student Life

Contacting Students

Students are contacted mainly through the comprehensive academic affairs support system a.net and information systems. Vital information for student life is posted through these services, so please make it a habit to log in once a day and view the latest information.
Information systems are located at the entrance and inside of the University Hall dining hall, the front entrance of General Education Building No. 1, Faculty of Education and Human Studies Building No. 3 pillars, Central Library 1st floor lounge, Student Support Building No. 1 and at the entrance to the School of Health Sciences Building.
Furthermore, supplementary information will also be made available on notice boards throughout the university, so please make sure to look at these.

Notice Boards

Target audience
Notice content
Student Support Division
Footpath on the northern side of the headquarters All students General notices, recruitment information etc.
Information from clubs and circles
Passage in front of the University Hall 1st floor Dining Hall entrance
Student Support Building south entrance All students Recruitment information
The Global Center for Higher Education
General Education Buildings No. 1 and 2 notice boards Students taking liberal arts subjects Lecture cancellations, classroom change, miscellaneous messages etc.
Student Support Building south entrance
Faculty of International Resource Sciences
General Education Buildings No. 1 and 2 in front of Faculty of International Resource Sciences office Undergraduate students Notices from faculties, courses and coordinators
Faculty of Education and Human Studies
Faculty of Education and Human Studies Building No. 1 in the Academic Affairs Section corridor Undergraduate and graduate students Lecture cancellations, teaching-related notices, miscellaneous messages, recruitment information etc.
Faculty of Education and Human Studies Building No. 3 pillars 1st and 2nd year students from all faculties
Undergraduate students
Faculty of Education and Human Studies Building No. 3 2nd floor corridor Undergraduate and graduate students Recruitment information
Faculty of Engineering Science
Faculty of Engineering Science Building No. 1 in front of the west entrance
Each division
Undergraduate and graduate students Notices from faculties, courses and coordinators
Each division
Graduate School of Medicine/Faculty of Medicine
Research Building for Basic Medicine 1st floor in front of the elevator Medical graduate students Notices from faculties, courses and coordinators
Research Building for Clinical Medicine 1st floor entrance hall Medical graduate students
Practice Building 1st floor School of Medicine students
(2nd year students)
General Research Building 4th floor at the rear of Room 6 School of Medicine students
(3rd year students)
Ward 2 inside the 2nd floor multi-purpose room School of Medicine students
(4th year students)
Research Building for Clinical Medicine 1st floor in front of the elevator School of Medicine students
(5th and 6th year students)
School of Health Sciences entrance hall School of Health Sciences students
University Health Center
In front of the University Health Center All students Information on health consultations and health

What to do in an Emergency

Who to contact if you are involved in a Traffic Accident or become injured

Please contact the Student Support Division or the Academic Affairs Section of your faculty.
(Please contact the General Information Office at night or on holidays)


Please contact the General Information Office along with the emergency services at 119.

  • University contacts
Student Support Division
On campus: 2265 Off campus: 018-889-2265
Faculty of International Resource Sciences
On campus: 2236 Off campus: 018-889-2236
Faculty of Education and Human Studies
On campus: 2507 Off campus: 018-889-2507
School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine
On campus: 6030 Off campus: 018-884-6030
School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine
On campus: 6505 Off campus: 018-884-6505
Faculty of Engineering Science
On campus: 2312 Off campus: 018-889-2312
General Information Office
On campus: 2228 Off campus: 018-889-2228

In Cases of Sudden Illness

If you suddenly fall ill or have an accident on campus, please contact the University Health Center or the nearest relevant section immediately.
(TEL: 018-889-2286)

Prevention of Theft/Fires

Please take care never to leave valuables or cash in classrooms or club/circle rooms. Please notify instances of theft immediately to the Student Support Division or the Academic Affairs Section of your faculty. Note that smoking is prohibited on campus. Also, please handle naked flames with care, especially in club/circle rooms.

Issuance of Student Identification Cards and Certificates

You need your Student Identification Card for when completing procedures throughout the university, so please make sure to carry it with you at all times. Please apply to have your card reissued at the Student Affairs Section of your faculty in the event that you damage or lose your card. You can use your Student Identification Card to issue a range of certificates at one of the certificate issuing machines located at the Student Support Division or Faculty of Medicine Educational Affairs Division (School of Medicine and School of Health Sciences). These certificates include the Certificate of Student Status, Certificate of Attendance (JR), Student Discount Certificate (JR), Certificate of Health, Grade Transcript, Certificate of Expected Graduation (Completion), and Certificate of Expected Acquisition of a teaching License. Please apply at the Student Affairs Section of your faculty for other certificates.

1.Student Discount Certificate

Students who use JR lines for extracurricular activities, field trips, returning home or other such purposes can receive a discount on the regular fair (so-called student discount) when travelling for 101 km or more one way. (20% discount)
The Student Discount Certificate can be used for up to 10 tickets per year per person, so please think carefully about how you use it.
The period of validity for the Student Discount Certificate is 3 months following the date of issue. Please make sure to have your Student Identification Card at hand when purchasing and using tickets.

2.Certificate of Attendance

You need a Certificate of Attendance to purchase student commuter passes for public transportation (JR/buses) that you use when commuting to the university.
You can use the university’s ticket issuing machines to issue a JR Certificate of Attendance. Note that you can purchase a continual commuter pass by exchanging it with your old student commuter pass within the academic year in question. All you need to do for this is have the Certificate of Attendance issued at the start of the academic year.
For buses, you need to apply at the Student Support Division counter by filling in the necessary items on the Request for Issuance of a Certificate of Attendance for Buses. Those in the Hondo area can also apply at the Faculty of Medicine Educational Affairs Division (School of Medicine and School of Health Sciences). (Certificates will be issued 2 days later, with the exception of Saturdays, Sundays and National Holidays) In all cases, period of validity for the Certificate of Attendance for Buses is 1 month following the date of issue.

Fraudulent use of Student Discount Certificates and commuter passes and allowing others to use these may result not only in a large surcharge but also the suspension of the student’s right to issue Student Discount Certificates and commuter passes at this university, so please take care how you use them.

Lost Property/Lost and Found Items

If you lose something or find someone else’s property on campus, please go to the Student Support Division on Tegata Campus or Faculty of Medicine Educational Affairs Division (School of Medicine and School of Health Sciences) on Hondo Campus. Lost property is kept at various locations or the Student Support Division, so please enquire if you think you may have lost something. Note that lost property will be disposed of following the elapse of a certain period of time.

Mail and Home Delivery Parcels

The university will notify students if mail addressed to them is delivered to the university. However, please refrain from have personal correspondence and items addressed to the university.

Mail addressed to circles and clubs (groups that have been registered at the university) are placed in the mail box located in the Student Support Division. Notifications can be made to circles and clubs using this mail box, so please enquire at the Student Support Division counter if you are interested in this service.

University Parking Permits

The university has limited space for parking and in principle does not permit student to commute to university by car. However, in some cases students with a special reason, such as a physical disability, are granted permission to commute to university by car. If you feel this applies to you, then please ask at the Student Support Division counter or Faculty of Medicine Educational Affairs Division (School of Medicine and School of Health Sciences). Please refrain from unauthorized parking on campus or at nearby supermarkets. Also, please do not park in the spaces next to the tennis courts or in front of the baseball field.

Motorcycles prohibited on Campus

Motorcycles are prohibited on Tegata Campus out of consideration for the safety of pedestrians and bicycle users. Please use the motorcycle park located behind the pool to the left of the front entrance when commuting to university by motorcycle.

Bicycle Parking Areas

Bicycle parking spaces and passage zones have been put in place on Tegata Campus in order to promote safety of campus users. Bicycle users should take care when parking in the designated spaces and passing through the passage zones not to obstruct pedestrians.
To prevent theft, please use a double lock when parking bicycles on campus and at apartments and houses.

Traffic Safety and Manners

When driving, please always take care to drive safely and never drink drive under any circumstances. When an accident occurs, both the person at fault and the victim are at risk of ongoing psychological trauma. Snow and ice in the winter make driving especially hazardous, so please adhere fully to all traffic regulations.

Prevention of Passive Smoking

In line with the Health Promotion Act implemented in 2003, the university is obliged to take steps to prevent passive smoking among people who administer facilities that are used by many people. The purpose behind this is to eliminate the negative impact that passive smoking has on people’s health. As such, blanket smoking bans are in place on both Tegata Campus and Hondo Campus.

The Use of Unscrupulous Business Practices and Credit

When joining university, you gain more independence and freedom to live as you choose. However, at the same time there is an increased risk of students who have never experienced this independence before being targeted by unscrupulous business practices. This is why you need to be wary about being taken in by smooth talk and have the courage to say no. If you feel that you have been the victim of fraud or deceived in some way, please consult with someone from the university as soon as possible.

In today’s world, there are many credit card companies, and you will be invited to sign up for a range of different cards once you become a student. Whilst it may be convenient to use credit cards without limit, you will have trouble paying all of these off later down the line. Therefore, please exercise caution when using credit cards.

Signing Up for the National Pension

All Japanese nationals are required to sign up for the National Pension when they turn 20 years old. However, there is a special system of exemptions in place that enables students to defer insurance payment. This system was put in place to prevent students without a source of income from being unable to receive a pension in the future, or from being unable to receive a disability basic pension in the event that they are left with a disability as the result of an unforeseen accident.
Whether you join the pension system or the system of exemptions, you need to apply, so please enquire at your nearest pension office or at the National Pension counter at your local municipal office. (Pamphlets are also available at the Student Support Division) The university held pension consultation in April and November last year.

Opinion Boxes

The university placed opinion boxes in the following locations as a means of listening to the requests and opinions of students. The university makes every effort to take on board advice and, where possible, make improvements to its services, so please feel free to give your honest opinions.

  • Central Library 1st floor lounge area
  • Inside University Hall (Clair)
  • The Academic Affairs Sections of each faculty (Faculty of Medicine: in front of the Lecture Theaters for Basic Medicine and in front of the School of Health Sciences office)

Recruitment of Akita University Student Staff (AUSS)

The university is currently looking for students to participate in an internship-like initiative helping out with university-related work. The aims behind this are to provide students with financial support and work experience. Participants are assigned the following kinds of duties. Recruitment is on an ongoing basis, so please go to the Student Support Division Career Promotion Division if you wish to apply or to find out more information.

  • Assistance with university events
  • Reception work at the Information Center, seminars for the renewal of teaching licenses etc.