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Future Plans and Past Achievements

At the Regional Disaster Prevention Department, one of our main activities consists of regional outreach initiatives to generate awareness of disaster prevention, which we achieve through lecture meetings, public lecture courses and guest lessons at junior high schools. The following is a summary of our planned activities for the future.

2014 Academic Year Schedule

  • Professor Mizuta is due to hold a lesson at Odate City Josai Elementary School as part of the Odate City Board of Education’s event ‘Disaster Prevention Camp (Project for the Promotion of Odate City Disaster Prevention Camp.’ (10.17 – 18.2014)
  • Associate Professor Kamataki is due to give a lecture at the Akita City Leader Workshop. (10.19.2014)
  • Professor Mizuta and Associate Professor Kamataki are due to hold guest lessons at the Akita Prefecture Board of Education’s ‘Fiscal 2014 Disaster Prevention Education Sessions led by Guest Instructors Project.’ (Total of 15 schools)

Past Achievements

Events held in the 2014 Academic Year (Finished) 

Events held in the 2013 Academic Year (Finished)

Events held in the 2012 Academic Year (Finished)

Events held in the 2011 Academic Year (Finished)