Discussion between Director Sakaki(right) and President Barbknecht(left)

In front of the motor bench

in front of the entrance
On Thursday,September14,Prof.Dr.Klaus-Dieter Barbknecht, President of Freiberg University of Technology,Germany,visited Tanehira Lab.
Akita University and Freiberg University of Technology have concluded an interuniversity agreement. On Wednesday,September13,in the presence of President Barbknecht,Akita University established a base office for the Freiberg University of Technology in the Graduate School of Engineering Science. The next day,he visited our lab.
On the day of the event, Direotor Junichi Sakaki gave an overview of the laboratory and exchanged opinions. After that, we introduced the motor bench and the Copper Pheasant in the laboratory (1).
President Barbknecht,thank you very much for your visit!